This article has been due for some time, if only out of fairness to intelligent readers. You often hear me refer to Bill O'Reilly as America's Demagogue. If you doubt that, notice that he has coined a term for the bad guys: "Secular Progressives" When "nihilists" has done for decades (who are neither. they just impliment the doctrines of "Give us this day our daily bread" in the only way that it can be implimented with integrity, but this is a draw becuase they don't know it, either). He seems to want to revive the old Wars of the Reformation even claiming that, in discussing the doctrine of separation of religion and state that "...It's not in there". if it comes to a choice between a self-admitted thug and one of the drafters of the Constitution, I'll take Thomas Jefferson's word on the matter.

This guy gave me the creeps ever since I fisrt heard him. His tone of voice, is that of an arrogant know-it-all. His strange lack of moral judgement on some things and his sanctimoniousness on others has "demagogue" wrtitten all over it. His vicious, and ignorant castigation of the Oil Companies stands in sharp contrast to his failure to condemn the Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth" after spending at least half an hour thouroghly diecrediting them on the Radio Factror reminds me of what Ayn Rand said of Jimmy Carter "I would not trust Carter across the street. He takes the kind of language to American Busienss that he would not take to the Soviet Union". He made those guys look like the liars I knew them to be (having listened to their leader on Jim Bohannon and listened to what former Republican Atty Gen Arlene Violette, RI and about 3 or 4 RI Vietnam vets had to say about them, not to mention what the captain of the other Swift boad said: and documented. The failure of the Republicans to dump that bunch out the airlock made crystal clear the future they would deserve: and get!!!, having gone that far in the tank and it isn't over yet! Does "President Barack HUSSEIN Obama" do it for you?). Now, if the Oil Companies are "greedy and evil" for maintaining what they have gotten over the decades in real terms, does Mr. O'Reilly find those who deal in the gold market to be "greedy and evil"? Gold prices have taken an equal real-term jump. Does that mean he will stop plugging gold? To ask this question is to be prepared to laugh at the answer. If O'Reilly had any integrity, he would call for the natioanization of these companies. Now, I would help him along save that I'm not fixing on leaving this planet anytime soon and therefore do not want to be around for the results of that action. Can you sing "You can trust your car to the man who wears the star: the big, bright Red Chinese Star"? How about this for a slogan: "Put a turban on your tank",or "Put some Ugo in your Yugo".Wotta comedy: the O'Reilly Factor, brought to you by Petroleum Persia. Imagine Bill plugging Ayatollah unleaded for only $8.95 a gallon with none of it goint to the greedy folks at what used to be Exxon (sort of like dolphin-free tuna).

But, while it really did not gel for quite a while, just recently it finally kicked in with a loud "klunk". There has always been the connection of Environmentalists or "eco-freaks" and "greens" with the hard left. The president of the Czech Republic ID'ed them as "Marxists" (I think he would know the beast better than say. Ariana Huffington or Mr. Maria Shriver Schwartznegger). It was an integral part of the "New Left". The Hisotry Channel ID'ed Environmentalism as the last gasp of the hippies in 1971. I had known about the anti-science nature of the smellies since late 1968, when it became a part of that ilk and if you wish to know more read Reaons's "Warining: Earth Day Ahead" Apr 1991 and Access to Energy 1979-91, ed. Dr. Petr Beckmann (also very conversant with Marxists and related dieseases). This source of Wicca lay dormant until the mid-late '80's "New Age", which I described as "the Aquarian Age meets middle age"; you know "channelling", Shirley MacClaine (rhymes with McCain), harmonic convergence, aroma therapy and other really-in-touch-with-reality crapola. In '91 the National Space Society, an activist group for the Space Program wetn Gore-on and look at the decrepit condition of the space Program today: They were totally subverted. In Short, let's do a kind of Miller's Analogies Test: Environmetalism is to the US what ______ is to Superman; a)Lifebuoy soap b)a hamburger c)Kryptonite d)Bounty paper towels. Yet Byalastok Bill buys the bit:

Bill: ...and clenliness is nest to

Female Asst: Godliness

Bill: and the governemtn should oversee the cleaning up. Now that doesn't mean that it should be the loons...[well who do you think the "overseers" would be? also when I think of overseers, I think of men with whips and chains]

He buys the Environmentalist line, saying that he has seen charts from scientists at MIT supporting Environmentalism. I wonder if they were any of the 31,000+ who says globull warming is false? He just doesn't support the falsehood enough to let the H&S show up.

Consider the following from a more recent show with no context given: "About taxes, I'm a flat=tax guy...'from those who much is given, much is asked'". In a metaphysical sense, this is true. living successfully in the world takes all the Human Race can put out at any givine time; and more to succeed in the future. However, said in the context of morals, politics and taxes, it is very much like "from each according to his means to each according to his needs". Hmmm; now, where did I hear that before? I havne't heard him use "obscene profits" yet but then I don't hear everything he says. But here's the kicker; would someone who has ever earned his keep even think in terms of "...much is give..." in the United states, in the twenty-first century right out of the box?

Now, you could say that I'm taking him out of context. But there are some things that stand on their own. when Bill Ayers said that "...we didn't do enough" while writing about planting bombs, What can be said? Beofre you tell me that Bill is no commie because he beilieves in God to the point of being a theocrat. Remember, the Soviets were heavily involved in religion. which Marx observed (correctly and which is a misuse of religion) is "the opiate of the masses". This merely condemns religion; not theism. in the early '80's Human Events carried an article that propsed that Marx was not an atheist, merely "an enemy of God, in whom he believed...". Even if I'm wrong, the best (given the course of events, it may be aptly considered the worst) that can be said of O'Reilly is that he is a classic case of the"me-too-ism" of the 1960's and 70's and we know what disasters that wrought. so why look back to the pre-Reagan, Rockerfeller-Nixon-Ford, era for anything except reasons to not look to that era for anything? Been there: Done that: Got the scars, abrasions, lacerations, blunt and sharp object traumas, contusions and concussion. And this guy is "watching out for the folks"? well, maybe the folksingers. He seems more ready to sing "Kumbya" (I hear they've found a second verse to that song) with Earthfirst than Exxon. And the way he keeps invoking 'sacrifice" as the cure-all is just soooooo Jimmy Carter and religious left, characterized by the likes of Jim Jones of Kool-Aid fame (which was not Kool-Aid but some unidentified grape drink). In fact, if the "folks" ever realized how far left the overwhelming bulk of the churches have gone and had their full psychological faculties engaged, they'd run like hell. "Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Ever more sacrifice!" is the hallmark of the demagugue and anti-American. But then the 1970's are all the rage.

I Report: You Decide.